The C6 Protocol Token Liquidity Generator
Liquidity is a critical aspect of our Protocol. We seek to maximize the amount of available $C6P tokens.
Simplified, liquidity is a pool of money that is split 50/50 between $C6P tokens and $BNB tokens. There is a conversion ratio that is set to the amount of $C6P you can get with BNB, for example 0.00034 BNB = 1 $C6P .
When somebody buys $C6P , the price per $C6P will go up and the ratio above will also change at the same time to account for this. The same goes in the opposite direction for sells.
Liquidity allows for users to buy & sell their C6P/BNB at any time, with the higher the amount, the better price you get on buys and sells. The kyoto Token Liquidity Generator works by adding more liquidity to the pool and providing the best possible pricing to our holders.
Every 48 hours, the C6 Protocol Auto-Liquidity Generator will inject automated liquidity into the market. On each buy or sell order there is a tax fee that automatically gets stored into an Auto-LP wallet and built into our protocol's smart contract. This mechanism automatically converts 50% of the amount of $C6P stored in the wallet into BNB at the current market rate.
The remaining 50% of $C6P in the Auto-LP wallet will be used for the $C6P side of liquidity, establishing an equal 50/50 weighting of C6P/BNB. This additional half will be used to strengthen the $C6P liquidity.The liquidity generator will do this every 48 hours, adding the accrued fees, allowing $C6P token holders to easily sell their tokens at any time with little to no market slippage. It will also aid in supporting protocol stability to make sure the APY is upheld for the entire life of genesis pool.
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